Kathy Cano-Murillo, aka “Crafty Chica” is a veritable rockstar of the crafting world, but when she approached us about creating a website for her, we’ve gotta admit, we had no idea who we were dealing with and what a fun long-term relationship we were embarking on. She was looking for a one-of-a-kind website that would pull in multiple blog feeds, showcase a future product line and a few books she had penned, all while reflecting her eclectic, artsy personality. We received all kinds of client input ranging from Mexican comic books to pictures of glitter in all kinds of crazy colors, all of which was taken into account when conceptualizing her new online world.

Porchlight delivered a site that did all that and more and as we quickly found out, Kathy doesn’t sleep much and has way more ideas than a normal person. Seriously, she doesn’t stop. She not only launched that product line, but has penned numerous books with more in the works, has a web series on Lifetime, hosts an annual craft cruise, has a wildly popular blog and still manages to find new places to put glitter. At the center of all this is her site which has undergone numerous face-lifts and received many new features over the years, but continues to be the functional epicenter of her empire and her ever-growing audience. Speaking of, her site received so much traffic that we had to move it to a dedicated server that could take the heat but that’s the kind of problem we like our clients to have – too much attention 🙂

Many years and many projects later, we’re truly thrilled to have been along for the ride as Kathy’s rose to superstardom. and that we were able to assist in getting her brand built and out to the masses.

Click here to visit her site»